Web Developer/Designer

My Projects

image of calorie counter project

Skills: React, JSX, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3

This project is a calorie counter. It keeps a total of calories and allows CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using React. I use local storage in this project.

github repo
Check it out github
image of this website project

Skills: Javascript, JQuery, HTML5, SASS, CSS3, Bootstrap, Adobe XD, DOM

This is this portfolio site. I created mockups and developed the site using Bootstrap, HTML5, SASS, and a Javascript to add little things.

This is this page. github
image of fetch project

Skills: Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, API usage, JSON, DOM

This is a example of an API call and displaying the data fetched using Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. I also added a search filter for the login name. It is a good example of traversing the DOM (Document Object Model) using Javascript.

Check it out github
image of shirtmondo website

Skills: WooCommerce, Wordpress, CSS3, SEO optimization, Adobe XD

This is my E-Commerce project. I used Wordpress and WooCommerce to create a site based on mockups I created in Adobe XD. I created the front page with custom CSS and elementor.

Check it out
image of wellness app project

Skills: Angular, Typsescript, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3

I created a wellness journal using firebase as the database. It demonstrates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Angular.

Check it out github
image of rock paper scissors project

Skills: Javascript, HTML5, CSS3

This is rock, paper scissors game I created using javascript. It was one of the first time I really used javascript for anything it's was fun figuring out how to grab elements and setting up where to check for clicks.

Check it out github


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2023-03-21 22:38:51

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About Me


Skills: React, Angular, Wordpress, JSX, Javascript, HTML, SaSS, CSS, PHP, Git

This is me. I have been interested in Web Development for years. I started at San Diego Continuing Education and received 2 Certificates for their Front End Web Development program. After that I wanted more so I decided to finish up my Associate of Science Degree in Web Design at San Diego Mesa College and will be graduating by the summer of 2022. Throughout my life and past careers I have worked well within team settings. I've learned how to prioritize workflow to be effecient and get things done.

Download my resume here.


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